Learning center

Fostering skills and wellbeing in every student

Our school support centre offers psychology, speech therapy and occupational therapy, creating a comprehensive space to improve language skills, reading and writing, and prevent academic difficulties.

Occupational therapy supports sensory, motor, executive and everyday skills development. This Learning Center at Colegio Santa Francisca Romana seeks to foster active and personalised learning, supporting the emotional, cognitive and social well-being of the students.

Our purpose

Facilitating independent learning

Resources to encourage autonomy and exploration.

Supporting different learning styles

Assessment to adapt visual, auditory or kinaesthetic methods.

Encouraging collaboration

Working together with teachers to improve the educational process.

Providing individualised support

Tutoring and counselling to overcome specific difficulties.

Accompanying areas

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Speech therapy

Support and strategies for communication development

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Occupational Therapy

Support in physical skills and school adaptation

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Emotional support and personal strengthening

Our strategies


Personalised plan of reasonable adjustments for each student


Academic support in specific areas of need.

Supervision of pedagogical support

Counselling in speech and occupational therapy.